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Painting by Susan Savad |
On every shelf in our pharmacy or beauty supply store, we're offered youth in a bottle or a pill. Our role models, the icons of stage and screen, claim they're maintaining their youthful good looks by drinking water, eating vegetables and staying out of the sun—but seriously? The fight is on against the clock, and it's hard not to jump into the ring. I'm as guilty as the next, standing in front of the mirror on occasion and pulling my face back to see how I'd look with a little nip and a tuck. I check out those bottles that state "anti-aging" or promise to erase all my lines and wrinkles, but I know for sure that real and lasting beauty can only be achieved by nurturing and nourishing my being from the inside out.
If I truly knew the secret to healthy aging and could bottle it, I would be a wealthy woman, but I can only offer you the wisdom of my own personal experience and observations. If I were asked what the secrets of healthy aging are, here are some of my thoughts.
Stay stress-free. Studies have shown that chronic stress elevates cortisol levels, which can reduce lean body mass, decrease bone density and cause a buildup of fat around the midsection of the body. Stress can also stimulate the onset of many age-related diseases like osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease and metabolic syndrome.
Eat simply and don't overeat. Diet obviously plays a huge role in how we age. Foods that bring life force and energy into the cells of our bodies go a long way toward making us look and feel youthful and vital. I can literally see what I've eaten reflected on my face. As we age and our hormonal levels change, our metabolism tends to slow down, so it's best to eat smaller meals on a more regular basis to keep our metabolism stable.
Smile. I was looking at my mum recently and realized that the reason she looks so youthful and lovely is that she almost always has a smile on her face. As we age, we can lose muscle tone and, especially on our face, the skin and muscles can start to droop. The very act of smiling lifts and tones the facial muscles as well as bringing a little more sunshine into the world.
Be wise: alkalize. Overacidity in the body weakens all body systems and is a major contributor to premature aging. Many of our diets are high in acid-forming foods like sugar, meat, dairy products and refined carbohydrates and are far too low in alkalizing fresh vegetables and mineral-rich foods. Try to tip the scales in favor of alkalizing vegetables and include some mineral-rich sea vegetables in your diet. It's a good idea to have some pH strips available so you can keep a check on your acid/alkaline balance.
Include enzymes in your diet. Enzymes are another vital component to support the healthy aging of the cells in the body. Make sure to include a percentage of enzyme-rich raw, pickled and very lightly cooked vegetables and fruits in your daily diet and chew them thoroughly to release their enzymes and to avoid putting any stress on the digestive system. When our foods are getting properly digested and assimilated, circulation of blood and nutrients to the skin is improved, keeping it youthful and wrinkle-free.
Eat healthy dietary fats. Omega-3 fatty acids are regarded as healthy fats, as opposed to saturated fats and transfats. They are concentrated in the brain and are associated with cognitive function as well as protecting against inflammation and high cholesterol. Sources include cold-water fish such as salmon, herring, tuna, halibut and mackerel; walnuts and walnut oil; flaxseed and flaxseed oil; and leafy green vegetables.
Exercise. Some cardiovascular exercise at least three times a week will keep your heart strong and bring extra oxygen to all your cells. A report in the British Daily Mail (April 11, 2008) stated that regular exercise can help slow down the effects of aging by up to 12 years. It quoted a study that found aerobic exercise, such as jogging or brisk walking, from middle age onward can slow and "even reverse the decline in muscle power, balance and coordination in later life." I particularly recommend exercising out in nature where we take good oxygen into our system. Oxygen also is important to keep our bodies alkaline.
Have fun! We often hear that "laughter is the best medicine." As well as cheering others up, laughter also triggers healthy physical changes in the body: It decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, improving your resistance to disease. Laughter also improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow as well as releasing endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals. Best of all, it is free and readily available!
Embrace body, mind and spirit medicine. The holistic approach seeks to treat the person as a whole, looking at all aspects of her life—lifestyle, diet, occupation and emotions—rather than just looking at and treating the symptoms of illness. A great number of today's illnesses come about as a result of the stress and tension in the lives we lead. We need to pay attention to what helps keep us in balance, and the natural healing arts can be very powerful in helping to restore and maintain the body's natural equilibrium.
I've created my Mango Coconut Dream Pie so that you can get your essential omega oils in the most delicious and decadent way. Unrefined coconut oil, although considered a saturated fat, is said to have many health and anti-aging benefits. It's high in lauric acid, which is naturally antiviral and can help strengthen the immune system. It can also help rebuild collagen and skin tone, giving you radiant healthy skin from the inside out. Now that's my kind of medicine!
Aine McAteer has been dedicated to exploring the connection between food and health for the past 35 years. What began as a decision to heal a personal health issue in her late teens has evolved into a career that has taken her around the world. Her passion for food and dispelling the myth that healthy food must sacrifice taste has earned her a reputation as personal chef for many of Hollywood's A-list stars.
Read more: http://www.oprah.com/food/Biography-of-Aine-McAteer
Recipe created by Aine McAteer
This delicious dessert is filled with essential omega oils and anti-aging benefits.
1 cup walnuts
1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
1/3 cup ground flax seeds
1/3 cup sesame seeds
1/3 cup hemp seeds
8 medjool dates , pitted and chopped
1 Tbsp. coconut oil
1 Tbsp. maple or agave syrup
Pinch sea salt
Grated zest of 1 orange
Orange juice , to bind
1 cup raw cashews , soaked for 1 hour
1 cup coconut oil
3 ripe mangoes
Grated zest of 1 lime
2 Tbsp. lime juice
1/4 cup raw agave syrup
To make crust: Rub the inside of a 9-inch springform cake pan with coconut oil.
Put the pecans into a food processor and add the rest of the seeds. (I like to grind the flax and sesame seeds in a small spice or coffee grinder before adding.) Grind the nuts and seeds until they're like a coarse flour. Add the remaining ingredients and continue to puree in the processor until a sticky dough has formed.
Press the dough into the bottom of the prepared pan.
To make filling: Drain the cashews and combine in a blender or food processor with the remaining ingredients. Blend until smooth and creamy.
Adjust the flavor to your personal taste by adding a little more sweetener or lime juice.
Pour the filling into the pan and put into the freezer to set. You want it to be firm enough to slice but not frozen. After about an hour and a half in the freezer, transfer it to the fridge. I decorated it with some coconut flakes around the edges and some fresh berries on top.
•The first time I made this, one of the mangoes was bad, so I used a banana in place of the mango and it gave it a lovely creamy texture. You can use other fruits that are in season, such as peaches, apricots or fresh berries.
•You can use other nuts in the crust such as pecans or almonds in place of the walnuts. In place of the dates, you could use dried apricots—soak them for about 20 minutes in a little water or orange juice to soften them up first.
Published on June 25, 2010.
Read more: http://www.oprah.com/food/Mango-Coconut-Dream-Pie
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