Saturday, October 27, 2012

Reflections on the Emotional World of Dogs

The following is an excerpt from the beautiful book entitled, DOGS NEVER LIE ABOUT LOVE, by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson.

Jeffrey Masson is also the controversial psychoanalyst and best-selling author of The New York Times bestseller, When Elephants Weep.  I highly recommend both of his remarkable books for anyone who has ever loved an animal and who knows the joy and richness of having been loved by an animal.

And I quote, "I  am not a religious man, and I pause before using the word soul.  But my experiences with the dogs in my life, and now with Sasha, Sima, and Rani, convince me that there is some profound essence, something about being a dog, which corresponds to our notion of an inner soul, the core of our being that makes us most human.  In human animals, this core, I am convinced, has to do with our ability to reach out and help a member of another species, to devote our energy to the welfare of that species, even when we do not stand to benefit from the other ---
in short, to love the other for its own sake.  If any species on earth shares this miraculous ability with us (and perhaps there are many more we do not yet know about), it is the dog, for the dog truly loves us sometimes beyond expectation, beyond measure, beyond what we deserve, more, indeed than we love ourselves.
Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson   

Friday, October 26, 2012

The Importance Of What We Think

Lotus 4 by Ingrid Mathews

"We are what we think.  All that we are arises with our thoughts.  With our thoughts, we make our world. 

Gautama Buddah

The difference between a novel and a self-help book...

Autumn Woods, 2007, by Christian Vernet

They say you teach best what you most need to know.  And so I share with you some winning strategies that have worked for me, particularly this thought by W. Clement Stone on the difference between a novel and a self-help book.  "In a novel, the author writes the conclusion; in a self-help book, the reader writes the conclusion by the action they take."

Excerpt from the National Bestseller, WAKE-UP CALLS, 
by Joan Lunden

Monday, October 22, 2012

Our Friends Make Us Smile! Something Special for Your Day!

I told you NOT to give me that last beer...

What does it take to get a walk around here?

Yep, I peed.

Would you be a dear and bring me a margarita with a little umbrella in it, darling?

If you want something done right around here...

When I said my ears were cold I had no idea you'd take it so seriously.

Cat headband comes in 3 colors.

When I said I wanted a little brother, I meant a DOG...

Do I look like a chew toy to you??

This ISN'T in my job description!!

This isn't in MY job description either for pete's sake!!

And then, snort, snort, the bartender says to the horse...

Wait, wait...

Who the hell is writing these job descriptions ???

So this is where you live, eh?

Who says "three's a crowd"??

Pig in a blanket.

I sho does luv you !

Air flossing !

Darn it Gladys, you blinked again....RE-TAKE please !!

Who used the last roll of toilet paper again ??

Give me some sugar, Hot Lips !

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Dog by the name of Schoep

Photograph changed the life of a dog named Schoep

Photo credit: Hannah Stonehouse Hudson

Touching Facebook Photo Saves Aging Dog’s Life

By Caroline Golon

Several months ago, a photograph posted on Facebook changed the lives of a dog named Schoep, his father John Unger and, now, countless other senior dogs.

The photograph was of Unger, cradling 19-year-old Schoep in the shallows of Lake Superior. Unger’s friend and photographer, Hannah Stonehouse Hudson wrote in the post that accompanied the photo: “Schoep falls asleep every night when he is carried into the lake. The buoyancy of the water soothes his arthritic bones.”

No one could have predicted the response that followed. Strangers who saw the photo and were touched by the story sent letters, emails and unsolicited donations to put towards therapy treatments that might ease Schoep’s pain – and that Unger couldn’t afford.

Soon more than $25,000 amassed. The amount was much more than Unger needed to help Schoep, so he formed Schoep’s Legacy Foundation to assist low-income families with treatments for their senior dogs.

And Schoep, the sweet-faced dog whose image prompted the outpouring of love and generosity, received the much-needed expensive joint laser treatments that reduced his pain and arthritic swelling. “Schoep is doing incredible right now,” Unger told the Daily Mail. “The therapies that the people have donated – it’s like turning back the clock a year and a half.”

The extra, pain-free time Schoep and Unger will have together is an unexpected gift for the two, who have been together since Schoep was an 8-month-old puppy.

BAYFIELD, Wisconsin (KARE) -- They say dogs are man's best friend. John Unger and Schoep are proof of that.

Their friendship started when Unger adopted Schoep from a shelter as a puppy 19 years ago. It turns out Schoep wasn't the only one who needed to be rescued.

"He's been my guardian for a number of years," Unger said.

Time has given them memories, but it has also taken a toll on Schoep's body.

"This joint right here kind of freezes up," Unger said pointing to Schoep's hind leg.

Arthritis and hip dysplasia have settled into Schoep's joints. The only comfort now is a routine that keeps Schoep off his feet. Unger takes Schoep out into Lake Superior for a dip as often as they can.

Unger gently places his arm under Schoep as they float together in the water. With no pressure on his body Schoep quickly falls asleep in Unger's arms. Schoep's eyes close as his head rests on Unger's chest. Sometimes they stay that way for hours.

"This is living," Unger said as they floated in Lake Superior Thursday evening. Unger is careful with every minute. He's not sure how much longer Schoep will be around.

He wanted just one picture of them in the water to capture their friendship. He asked Hannah Stonehouse Hudson, owner of Stonehouse Photo in Bayfield, to take a few pictures.

She posted one picture of Unger and Schoep on Facebook, and it went viral within a few hours. It has now been viewed more than 2 million times.

Unger said he is overwhelmed by all the attention. He just wanted to capture one moment with his best friend; instead he captured the world.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Reflection on the Emotional World of a Dog

 Suzanne Leonard, Artist

The following was taken from Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson's beautiful book
entitled, DOGS NEVER LIE ABOUT LOVE.  (Chapter 4)

On Loyalty and Heroism

On a monument outside a courthouse in Missouri is recorded one of the most moving statements ever made about the abiding love of a dog.  It was made in the nineteenth century by George Graham Vest, before he became a senator, when he was legally representing a neighbor whose dog had been killed by another man and who was suing the accused for two hundred dollars in damages.  By the time Vest had finished his summing up, the jury was in no mood to ruminate:  It took them two minutes to reach their verdict.  The plaintiff was awarded five hundred dollars, but the judge was unable to grant their wish that the dog killer be sent to prison, as the law did not permit such a punishment.  These are the words that Senator Vest spoke:

     Gentlemen of the Jury:  The best friend a man has in this world may turn against him and become his enemy.  His son and daughter that he had reared with loving care may become ungrateful.  Those who are nearest and dearest to us, those whom we trust with our happiness and our good name, may become traitors to their faith.  The money that a man has he way lose.  It flies away from him when he may need it most.  Man's reputation may be sacrificed in a moment of ill considered action.  The people who are prone to fall on their knees and do us honor when success is with us may be the first to throw the stone of malice when failure settles its cloud upon our head.  The only absolutely unselfish friend a man may have in this selfish world. the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog.

     A man's dog stands by him in prosperity and poverty, in health and sickness.  He will sleep on the cold ground, when the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely, if only he can be near his master's side.  He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer, he will lick the wounds and sores that come in encounter with the roughness of the world.  He guards the sleep of a pauper as if he were a prince.

     When all other friends desert, he remains.  When riches take wings and reputation falls to pieces he is as constant in his love as the sun in its journey through the heavens.  If fortune drives the master forth an outcast into the world, friendless and homeless, the faithful dog asks no higher privilege than that of accompanying him to guard him against danger, to fight against his enemies, and when the last scene of all comes, and death takes his master in its embrace and his body is laid away in the cold ground, no matter if all other friends pursue their way, there by his graveside will the noble dog be found, his head between his paws and his eyes sad, but open in alert watchfulness, faithful and true even to death.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Honesty and Ethics

Do we really believe we have to check our ethics at the door?

Are We Honest?

Do we really believe we have to check our ethics at the door?

Without honesty our lives fall apart, our relationships fall apart, we can not be trusted and widespread dishonestly will cause the collapse of any government, any nation, any business or any family.  If we are not honest, we are not moral, nor do we care about truth.  If honesty is not part of our moral code, our lives are based upon deception and falsehood.

Are we honest individually?  Do we keep our word?  If we promise to do something, if we promise to keep a confidence, if we promise not to do or not to say something, is our word our bond?  If we are employed by someone else, are we honest with our employer.  Do we give a full day’s work for a full day’s pay?  If we are an employer, do we pay our employees fairly and honestly?

Do you trust your government?  Do you trust the news media?  Do you believe that politicians are telling it to you straight?

Why don’t we trust all of our political leaders?  Why don’t we trust our news media?

Is it not evident that politicians often times say what they think you want to hear, rather than what they really believe?  Do politician’s actions match their words?  Do they say one thing to one group of people and something totally different to other people.  Similarly, some of the news media is more concerned with influence peddling than in truth peddling.

In this campaign season, it seems that some politicians are more interested in digging for dirt on their opponents than they are in talking about their track record or the issues honestly.  Many candidates are willing to misrepresent their opponent in order to take political advantage.  Do we want to elect politicians who will twist the truth in order to gain an advantage over someone else?  Are we so dogmatic in our support of a candidate that we don’t care if they are truthful?  Does dishonesty disqualify our candidate or do we just look the other way?

Are we so used to dishonesty in politics that we really don’t expect anyone to be honest?  Do we excuse the dishonesty of a politician because we feel all politicians are dishonest?

Guess what?  All politicians are not dishonest.  There are good and honest men who represent us.  Not every politician is honest, but some are.  I can name several honest politicians.  We should never excuse dishonesty because “everyone is dishonest”.  Everyone is not dishonest!

As frustrated as I am with politicians, I am equally frustrated that many voters and potential voters don’t care if their guy is honest.  We let many politicians get away with dishonesty because the news media and the general public don’t care about the truth.

We should care.  Honesty should be more important than political affiliation.  It should be more important that which party controls the White House or Congress.  It should be the most important qualification for election or re-election.

If you don’t care if your guy is honest, shame on you, you are part of the cause of the collapse of this great nation.

Truth and freedom are suffering right now.  Are we teaching our children and young people that it's okay to be dishonest?

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Be True To Yourself

Sailboat Sunset by Brian Williams

 Perhaps there is nothing in life more important than to be true to yourself.  Nothings brings more satisfaction and nothing can bring more heartache.  Our own conscience is a strict task maker.  One can actually mute ones conscience to an extent where it can't be heard--- that may be the most dangerous thing to anyone human..  Without it one can never reach any state of happiness for they have fallen victims of apathy and disgruntlement.  An attitude of, "I don't care" is the most dangerous of all, destructive in nature.  It will destroy anyone.  Thus, it is imperative to know 'thy self' in order to be truly content with oneself.  It is good to know what our values and morals are.  What we want to stand for.  What we are not willing to stand for.  Know our limits.  Learn to recognize weakness, and have the desire to improve.  When we know who we are, or who we want to be then we are able to live the life we want to live, and to always be true to ourselves.

"Life isn't about finding yourself.  Life is about creating yourself."  ~ George Bernard Shaw

The phrase, "You should always be true to yourself", has become somewhat of a cliche.  It is, however, a deeply important concept and one very important to our relationships, our health, and overall happiness.

So, what does it actually mean to "Be True to Yourself"?

According to Author Julie M. Digby, it means the following:

1.  It means to act in accordance with who you are and what you believe. - If you know yourself, and love yourself, you will find it is effortless to be true to yourself.

2.  Love yourself - Just as you cannot love anyone else until you love yourself, you cannot be true to anyone else until you are true to yourself. Think about the positive qualities in yourself that make you who you are, be thankful for those qualities, and feel love for the amazing person that you are!

3.  Accept your uniqueness - Be who you are!  Do not take action or pretend to be someone else for the sake of gaining acceptance.  If there is something that you want to change about yourself, do it for the sake of you!  Have the courage to accept yourself as you really are, not as someone else thinks you should be.  Envision you perfect life.  Think about the person that you are, without any of the outside conditioning that has negatively impacted you, and trust your gut feelings.  This is being true to yourself.

4.  Respect Yourself - Self-respect comes from being true to who you really are and from acting in accordance with your fundamental nature.  When you respect yourself, others will respect you.  Trust your "inner voice" and act in line with your emotions.  If something feels "good and right", then it's probable what you should be doing.  Respect your own intuition, as well as respecting the choices of others.

In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."

Recently from Space

Glowing Helix Nebula

A radiant dying star.  Located 650 light years from Earth the Helix nebula is the cosmic remains of a dying star.  In this combined image released Oct.3, 2012 from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope and the Galaxy Evolution Explorer, the star's dusty outer layers glow from ultraviolet radiation being pumped out by its stellar core

Friday, October 5, 2012

NonSequitur on Political Stupidity

Letter To Grace Norton

Jean - Michel Labat 

"You are passing through a darkness in which I myself in my ignorance see nothing but that you have been made wretchedly ill by it; but it is only a darkness, it is not an end, or the end."

~ Henry James

Anne Frank

"The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God.  Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature."

~ Anne Frank

Mother Teresa

"We can do no great things, 
only small things with great love."

~ Mother Teresa

Albert Camus

"Don't walk in front of me,  I may not follow.  Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.  Just walk beside me and be my friend."

~ Alert Camus

Leo Tolstoy

"Am I mad, to see what others do not see, or are they mad who are responsible for all that I am seeing?"

~Leo Tolstoy 

HERODOTUS, The Histories

"The most hateful grief of all human griefs is this, to have knowledge of the truth but no power over the event." ~ HERODOTUS, The Histories

Kahlil Gibran

Goodnight by Johanna Da Cruz

"Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation."

~ Kahlil Gibran

Kurt Vonnegut

"I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over.  Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can't see from the center."
_ Kurt Vonnegut